Aug 30, 2015


A new artist emerged on the stage of Parisian artists. Around one year ago, more less 600 photos were cemented on the walls all over the city. All his works, as well as his nickname, remain for the moment #backtothestreet. People got very enthusiastic about these new street art pieces and Twitter was pretty charged with the new hashtag #backtothestreet appearing constantly since few months away now.

It would be a bit hard to classify this new method of artistic expression (if there's a need of that, of course). It is neither a paste-up, nor a mosaic. Yet not a simple photo, because these photographs are glued on the white piece of paper, placed under the glass plate and cemented on the walls in the end.

After reading the interview with artist published on:, we know that #backtothestreet is a backpacker/photographer travelling to such places as New York, Cameroun, Haiti. Over there he takes the photos without notice, without paying attention to the place. This way the photographs are very real and the artist needs to be very fast and very discreet at the same time.

His inspiration was the movie about Banksy who did exposition of his photos on the street. Then, a clear idea appeared in his mind: the photos that he takes on the street, need to go back to the same place: to the street. Go back to the street. The real open air photo exhibition. Now, not only in Paris, but in Nimes, Lile or Bruxelles, too. Enjoy, everyone's invited! asked if they can take a photo of  #backtothestreet artist. This is an answer.

Photo above belongs to:


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    1. Thank you very much for you kind opinion! All the best!
